Top Online Spending Days
Cyber Monday

TAG: Online Shopping, Cyber Monday, Green Monday, Free Shipping Day, Black Friday, Holiday Shopping Ready for the busiest shopping season of the year? Online shopping is increasingly popular for many reasons: it saves you time, lets you browse more variety of products and compare prices, helps you avoid crowds, and often allows you to find […]

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Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving

TAG: Thanksgiving, Turkey, Black Friday, Shoppers, Holiday Travels When thinking of Thanksgiving, three major activities come to mind: eating, shopping, and traveling.  According to the USDA, 51 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving day.  What about shopping?  Despite the rise of online shopping, one in four shoppers arrive at stores before midnight or earlier to […]

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Helping Small Businesses for Our Economy
Small Businesses are the Backbone of The Economy

Tags: Small businesses, marketing strategy, custom market research, startup Small businesses are the backbone of the economy. According to the Census, 99.7% of firms in the US are small businesses. Small businesses account for almost half of the US private sector workforce. If small businesses falter, our economy will falter. Running a successful business is hard, […]

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