Virtual Reality Headsets: Who’s Leading Now?
Virtual Reality Headsets

Tags: Virtual Reality headsets, Oculus, Facebook, Samsung Gear VR, VR for consumers Virtual Reality may be the hottest technology at the moment, but the concept of Virtual Reality isn’t new. While the concept of complete escapism and transformation in space inspired many applications, it took decades of development for virtual reality to become consumer friendly. The […]

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Top Online Spending Days
Cyber Monday

TAG: Online Shopping, Cyber Monday, Green Monday, Free Shipping Day, Black Friday, Holiday Shopping Ready for the busiest shopping season of the year? Online shopping is increasingly popular for many reasons: it saves you time, lets you browse more variety of products and compare prices, helps you avoid crowds, and often allows you to find […]

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Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving

TAG: Thanksgiving, Turkey, Black Friday, Shoppers, Holiday Travels When thinking of Thanksgiving, three major activities come to mind: eating, shopping, and traveling.  According to the USDA, 51 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving day.  What about shopping?  Despite the rise of online shopping, one in four shoppers arrive at stores before midnight or earlier to […]

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Helping Small Businesses for Our Economy
Small Businesses are the Backbone of The Economy

Tags: Small businesses, marketing strategy, custom market research, startup Small businesses are the backbone of the economy. According to the Census, 99.7% of firms in the US are small businesses. Small businesses account for almost half of the US private sector workforce. If small businesses falter, our economy will falter. Running a successful business is hard, […]

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6 Utilities of Virtual Reality
6 Utilities of Virtual Reality

Tags: Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Application, Market Research, Concept Testing, Environment Testing Virtual Reality creates simulated, hyperrealistic virtual environments that users can interact within. While any disruptive technology needs time to evolve to be 100% consumer ready, Virtual Reality presents fundamental shifts to some of the key industries that are closely tied to our lives. MineMR attended […]

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DIY Research Checklist
DIY Research

Tags: DIY market research, consumer insight, online survey In the Pinterest era, DIY solutions are available for virtually everything. DIY storage solutions, DIY website development, DIY home improvements, DIY wedding…and finally, DIY research. “Re: We want your opinion!” Everyone’s received an email with a similar subject line at some point or another. For all companies, research […]

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Social Networks: US vs. China
Made in US vs. Made in China

Tags: Facebook, President of China Xi JinPing, US, China, Social Networks, Mark Zuckerberg, Communication Applications   It wasn’t long ago when Facebook first launched in 2004 and drove up the engagement of users and later more social communities. Personally, I credit Facebook’s initial pull to its smart features like media sharing with tagging and personalized […]

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Firearms: More Dangerous to Self
Firearms: More Dangerous to Self

Tags: Firearms, President Barack Obama, Homicide Firearms, Suicide Firearms, Gun Violence “I’ve had to make statements like this too many times” said a clearly disturbed President Obama as he made yet another statement on mass shootings since taking office. Authorities confirmed on Friday, nine people have been killed and seven injured in a shooting at […]

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Kickstart Your Dream
Kickstart Your Dream

Tags:  crowdfunding, Kickstarter, art, film, music, video, entrepreneurship, funding We all know that pure talent is not enough to make a living as an artist. You need to know someone in the industry. You need to be able to find people that appreciate your work.  And you need the money to make your art. After […]

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