Small Businesses are the Backbone of The Economy

Tags: Small businesses, marketing strategy, custom market research, startup

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy. According to the Census, 99.7% of firms in the US are small businesses. Small businesses account for almost half of the US private sector workforce. If small businesses falter, our economy will falter. Running a successful business is hard, about 80% of small businesses go out of business every year. How can we minimize that daunting failure rate and improve the odds in our favor?

MineMR believes in empowerment through education. We have partnered with local non-profit organizations to offer educational programs for small businesses. From marketing strategy development to custom market research, we educate small business owners, leveraging our experience of running market research projects for Fortune 500 companies. Our workshops are tailored to the needs of small businesses, helping them combat business challenges and make strategic decisions based on data. Custom market research isn’t just for for-profit organizations after all. Strategic planning based on data, rather than solely on gut feelings, is crucial for any businesses to sustain and grow.

Marketing Workshop for Small Businesses
Marketing Workshop for Small Business Owners on November 4th, 2015 – MineMR led a marketing workshop at the Koreatown Youth and Community Center on November 4th. There were about 30 attendees, a mix of current and future small business owners with a wide range of categories including dining, law, biotech, online shopping, international trade, travel agency, insurance, beauty, you name it. It was a three-hour workshop between 6-9PM, which required a lot of energy! But everybody actively participated in the group activities, practiced their own elevator pitch, conducted the SWOT analysis for their business, and designed their advertising strategy. MineMR sincerely hopes that all students’ hard work pays off in the future.


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