For most Americans, Thanksgiving is a holiday that’s defined by three F’s: family, food, and fun and as we head into the holiday season, people are scrambling to pull together travel plans, meal preparation, and other important rituals related to the holiday. For Thanksgiving 2017, AAA predicts traveling will increase by 3% from last year with travel volume reaching their highest levels since 2005. The vast majority of people will travel by car and if you’re in Los Angeles, be prepared for monster-traffic jams. For this Thanksgiving we recommend giving yourself plenty of time to travel. Also be prepared with extra keys, tires, and batteries as last year, 330,000 Americans were stranded due to a vehicle-related issue.

The hallmark in Thanksgiving is the traditional Thanksgiving meal. The price of the average meal has seen some increases due to inflation and demand. 2015 marked one of the most expensive Thanksgiving meals in recent years, but according to the American Farm Bureau Federation, 2017 offers some relief as this year’s estimated price is $49.12. Hopefully the cheaper food will make up for the more expensive gas prices!

The American Fam Bureau Federation also revealed that the price of turkey is what drives up the average cost per meal the most. For those looking to save money, opting for a vegetarian Thanksgiving might be a fun, new tradition to try!

Many Americans eat their Thanksgiving meal earlier in the day rather than at a traditional dinner time in the evening thus resulting in most Thanksgiving celebrations wrapping up before sunset. The retail world, in anticipating large crowds for Black Friday, offer sales as early at Thursday night for shopping-happy Americans. This year Nielsen predicts an uptick in Americans planning to shop on Thanksgiving Day.

Lost in the chaos of Christmas and Black Friday shopping, some Americans worry Thanksgiving has lost its meaning. While traveling is at peak levels this weekend, some popular travel destinations, like the sin-city of Las Vegas, imply not all travelers are seeking family. Others worry about the commercial aspects of the holiday have taken over: who made the most Instagram-worthy meal or when will we leave for Black Friday sales? And another segment of Americans worry how they’ll even get through the meal without a fight erupting over politics, pop culture, or personal matters (or worst case, all three).

However, the other side of the coin is that Thanksgiving offers Americans a break from their hectic work schedules (minus all the lovely people preparing the Thanksgiving meal) and encourages all to reflect on what they’re thankful for. So no matter what the holiday means to you, at its core, we encourage you to find gratitude this Thanksgiving and maybe wait till after Thursday before blasting Christmas music. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

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