Firearms: More Dangerous to Self

Tags: Firearms, President Barack Obama, Homicide Firearms, Suicide Firearms, Gun Violence

“I’ve had to make statements like this too many times” said a clearly disturbed President Obama as he made yet another statement on mass shootings since taking office. Authorities confirmed on Friday, nine people have been killed and seven injured in a shooting at a college in Oregon. Investigators found 14 firearms connected to the shooter, all weapons were legally obtained. The Washington Post reported that so far in 2015, the U.S. has seen 294 mass shootings (incidents where 4 or more people are killed or injured by firearms) in 274 days. Gun homicides receive far more attention in the press, but according to the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) the vast majority of gun deaths are the result of suicide. In 2013, the most recent year for which the CDC provides numbers, 21,175 people committed suicide by firearms, while 11,208 people died in gun homicides. Past data shows it’s been this way for a while.

As our nation and victims of the shooting grieve over yet another tragic occurrence, the search for answers continues. But like times before, most fingers straightaway point to gun ownership control, which could be part of the solution but is it where we need to focus for the future? We need to dig deeper. With suicides by firearms growing at a more steady rate than homicides by firearms within the last decade, should our attention be on the adequacy of our mental health systems and gun safety? From 2000-2013, according to CDC data, the number of suicides by firearms grow with age, starting as young as 5-9 years old but the start of the trend is most noticeable for those aged 15 and older. It’s also important to note that while suicide is most prominent among older people, homicides with guns are highest seen between the age of 15-24 and decreases with age.

How can these numbers help us work towards a safer tomorrow?

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