Kickstart Your Dream

Tags:  crowdfunding, Kickstarter, art, film, music, video, entrepreneurship, funding

We all know that pure talent is not enough to make a living as an artist. You need to know someone in the industry. You need to be able to find people that appreciate your work.  And you need the money to make your art. After all, art is highly subjective, which leaves a lot of room for politics, which leads to accessibility to capital.

Crowdsource funding has changed that dynamic. It gives the little guys a chance. Think about the fields of film or music. The two industries presented formidable barriers to entry for individuals. With the advent of crowdfunding, artists have a chance as long as you can sell your ideas to the crowd.

According to Kickstarter, film and music projects account for 42% of successfully funded projects where the fans back them up with their own money. The scale of funding varies widely.  The majority of successfully funded projects needed less than $10K, whereas there are over a hundred projects that asked for $1 Million and got funded.

What is your wildest dream?

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