Love is in the air

TAG: Valentine’s Day, Love, Gifts, Holiday, Love is in the Air

Celebrated by many countries around the world, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and affection. As a publicly observed holiday within the US, the weeks leading to February 14th are filled with unsolicited reminders that the holiday’s quickly approaching. A flurry of romantic movies are lined up at the theatre box offices. Local businesses promote special deals and fill aisles with gift ideas. And in case you forget, a little over half of women say they would end their relationship if they didn’t get something on Valentine’s Day. Be prepared.

Join the majority of Americans who celebrate Valentine’s Day. Whether it be with your significant other, close friend, beloved family, or just someone you’ve grown to care about – find a reason to spend time together this holiday. Get inspired by the top 5 most popular gifts which include cards, candy, dining/eating out, flowers, and jewelry. Or simply give the best gift of all, you.

Have a happy Valentine’s Day from MineMR!

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