TAG: Mother’s Day, US Holiday, Single Mothers, Hallmark Cards, Anna Jarvis

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world.  In the United States, the celebration of Mother’s Day began in the early 20th century by Anna Jarvis (a social activist) but predominately popularized by the Hallmark Cards company.  Since its creation, Mother’s Day has become one of the biggest holidays for consumer spending in the United States.  An estimate of $671 million is spent annually on Mother’s Day cards, with the total average amount American consumers spending on their mom for the holiday being around $169.

Regardless of the amount of money spent on this holiday, it isn’t about the costs of the gifts.  Rather it is about the sentiment and gestures in honoring the journey of motherhood for the women in your family and their influence on you.  According to the Census Bureau, the number of single mothers living with children under the age of 18 have almost tripled from the levels noted in 1970.  With an increase in the number of mothers raising their children on their own, it’s more important now than ever, to recognize and celebrate the mothers who have done so much for all of us (single or not).

MineMR wishes all mothers a happy Mother’s Day!

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