New Year's Resolutions

TAG: New Year’s Resolutions, Goals, 2016, Self-Improvements

A New Year’s resolution is a long standing tradition, most popular in the West but also found around the world. Each year, many of us make a self-promise heading into the new year to make certain changes and self-improvements. According to the University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology, the most popular resolution among Americans is to lose weight. Amongst the top ten most common resolutions include improving personal finance and health, getting rid of a bad habit, helping others, and enjoying life to its fullest by such acts as finding love, learning something new, or dedicating more quality time with family.

New Year’s resolutions may be made with vigor and hope, but the commitment to sustaining these goals often fizzles out before February. Sounds familiar? That is because only 8% are actually successful in achieving their resolution. Some experts advise that the key to achieving the New Year’s resolution is to share it with friends who can hold us accountable and to make measurable goals that allows the tracking of progress. Let’s make 2016 a year of success!

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