TAG: Pokémon Go, Social Media, Game, Daily Mobile App Usage, Nintendo, Snapchat, Instagram

Pokémon Go is a location-based augmented reality game that blends the virtual world of Pokémon with the real world of players.  Since its recent debut on July 6th, the mobile app game by Nintendo have shattered user engagement records across the board.  Within a few days of the Pokémon Go app’s launch, the game surpasses social media’s most used apps (Instagram and Snapchat) with nearly double the average daily time spent amongst its users.  Coincidentally (or not), according to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nintendo’s stock price also nearly doubled, at its highest level since June 2010.

It is undeniable of the game-changing marriage between a long-time franchise and an emerging technology that have contributed to the great success of the Pokémon Go.  What could the Pokémon Go’s story inspire within your business? 

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